Larry Weekes, Say Their Names, mixed media.
Dispatches and Disappearances
January 7 - February 11, 2023 / FOOTNOTE PROJECT SPACE
Dispatches and Disappearances explores themes of loss and survival often caused by systemic violence and marginalization. Artists Corey Devon Arthur, Sasha Chavchavadze, Christina Kelly, Angela Kramer, Karen Mainenti, JoAnne McFarland, and Larry Weekes offer work that explores the pathos and power of forgotten narratives and lives. The exhibition is an overview of Footnote projects—past, present and future—including collaborations with Artpoetica Project Space, Fulton Art Fair, SALLY, and the Hall of Gowanus. Larry Weekes, director of the Fulton Art Fair, presents his diorama “Say Their Names” memorializing those killed by American terrorists in 1963 and 2015. Paintings and drawings by the artist and writer Corey Devon Arthur, who has been incarcerated for twenty-five years, points to an upcoming exhibition of the artist's work at My Gallery NYC, organized in collaboration with Fulton Art Fair and Empowerment Avenue. The exhibition includes excerpts from ongoing, research-based projects by Karen Mainenti (Garden State) and Sasha Chavchavadze (Footnote Margaret Fuller). JoAnne McFarland's lyrical painting “Extinction" offers a taste of an upcoming collaboration with Artpoetica, an exhibition entitled Affiliations to take place at the National Arts Club in June, 2023.
Read more about the Corey Devon Arthur project in the artist's words at the Go Fund Me site and follow him at @coreydevonarthur